World Sleep Day: 5 sleep tips from The Sleep Geek

Leading sleep expert James Wilson AKA The Sleep Geek shares his top tips for a great nights sleep

world sleep day

by Stephanie Spencer |
Updated on

Everyone deserves a good night's sleep. That's why this World Sleep Day we've sought expert advice from James Wilson, also known as The Sleep Geek, one of the UK’s leading sleep behaviour experts, helping people nationwide to solve their sleep issues.

As well as assisting people to sleep better, James’ Sleep Lab works alongside companies such as the NHS to produce products, services and environments to ensure everyone can get the sleep they deserve.

Here are his five top tips to getting a great night's sleep...

1. Keep it cool

Having the correct room temperature is key to getting a good night’s sleep.

For most people, the bedroom needs to be cooler than the rest of your home and you should be able to feel this coolness as you walk into the room.

Aim for a core temperature between 16 and 20 degrees celsius, which you easily can monitor with a mini thermostat, or even keep track of on digital and smartphone versions.

2. Consider your sleep environment

Once the room temperature is correct, you must also ensure the immediate sleep environment is right (between the mattress and duvet).

If you are a hot sleeper then changing your duvet to a lighter one, or with a different filling, can make you more comfortable and ensure that you go to sleep and, more importantly, stay asleep.

Having a separate duvet from your partner can really help, as we all have different sleep needs and having a duvet that is right for you is important. It also stops us fighting over the duvet during the night!

Also consider the pillow that you use - do you wake up with a sore neck, have you tried other pillow types to see what's best for you?

Top tip: If you feel the cold in your sleep look for feather, down and man-made materials which are designed to trap the heat in. For those who struggle to stay cool, select more natural fillings such as silk, bamboo, wool and alpaca fleece that will allow your body to breathe and ensure your core temperature is maintained.

3. Mattress decisions

When it comes to selecting your mattress, look for one with springs, as this will provide an airflow under your sleeping body which will allow the drop in core temperature your body needs to sleep well.

Pocket springs combined with quality fillings will ensure your body has the support it needs.

4. Consistency is key

Your body loves consistency when it comes to the sleeping environment, for example, if you fall asleep with sound, or have a light on as you fall asleep, these should stay on all night.

This is because throughout the night your body goes through numerous sleep cycles, and when you come out of one cycle and enter into the next, the body will check to make sure everything is as it was when it went to sleep.

5. Sleep aids

You may find that certain fragrances help you to fall asleep, or that a particular sleep app helps you drift off. If you do struggle to drift off at night, or when you wake in the night, there are lots of different methods you can look to try.

The key thing is don't suffer with a bad night's sleep - seek out sleep solutions!

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