Making sure you carve time out to take care of you, whether that’s during your day or week, is incredibly important and that’s what self-careis all about. The term is defined as ‘the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health’, but with the busyness of everyday life, looking after yourself (whether that’s physically or mentally) can easily go straight to the bottom of your to-do lists.
Related: 20 best self-care books to help guide and inspire your life
That’s where a self-care checklist comes in. They’re lists to help you stick to your self-care habits and are brilliant for those who struggle to put themselves and their own needs first now and again or if you struggle to combat loneliness. By having a self care checklist to hand, you can visually see if you’ve made enough time for yourself during that day and know whether you need to improve.
Sounds like something you need? Then read on, as we’ve rounded up some printable self-care checklists to help you do just that. Although remember, self-care is very personal, whereas going for a walk may be one way someone practices self care, going on a holiday may be how another person practices it. There is no right or wrong, it’s simply what makes you feel better physically and mentally.
10 Self-care checklists

This self-care checklist from Healthy Wealthy Skinny focuses on your physical, mental and emotional health. The circles, which you can colour in, are simple, but will also make it very clear to spot whether you’re carving out enough ‘me time’ during your week.

Instead of focusing on the week, this self-care checklist by Plenty and Well With Nat focuses on the month, making it a little easier for those who really do struggle to put time aside for themselves. We also love the tasks on the list itself.

There’s so many great ideas on this self-care checklist from Snacking in Sneakers. We’re particularly fond of the ‘saying no to extra responsibilities’ task, something we should all learn to do more often.

Poster My Wall has created this pretty self-care checklist, which will look lovely stuck to the front of your fridge.

If Sunday is your dedicated day of self-care, then this checklist by Emily Aagaard is perfect.

Another great monthly self-care checklist by Lauren’s Journey. There’s enough tasks to do one a day, every day for a month.

Perfect for adding in your own self-care habits and Nurse Clara has even left a space at the bottom where you could add an inspirational quote for the week or something you’re proud of that you’ve achieved.

This checklist by Louise Grace Blogs only includes tasks for the morning, but sometimes having a successful morning is all some people need to feel great for the rest of the day ahead.

Another aesthetically pleasing self-care checklist from Confessions of Parenting.

Fit Girl's Diary has given us another great self-care checklist for the whole week. Either tick or colour in the squares to clearly see whether you're taking care of yourself enough,
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