If you're currently experiencing menopause or perimenopause and you're looking for ways to tackle some of the symptoms and side effects, have you considered trying some of the best menopause supplements available on the market? During this phase of life, your body will experience fluctuation and decline in the levels of hormones like oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone.
To have a better understanding of these signs, we spoke to Sasha Parkin, a registered Nutritional Therapist who works with Wild Nutrition, a brand that specialises in naturally sourced, food-grown supplements. She shared the results of a 2021 study conducted by the UK government which revealed that 9 in 10 women (90%) failed to recognise these signs as the onset of perimenopause and menopause, instead attributing it to ageing, stress, anxiety or depression. It is in dealing with this loss of natural hormones that diet, lifestyle and supplement intervention can be beneficial.
Understanding what your body is going through will help in learning what it needs and this is why we sought the expert advice from Dr Sarah Brewer, former GP and Medical Director of the brand Healthspan, leading UK supplier of vitamins and supplements.
Explaining how menopause affects the body, Dr Sarah says, “During this time, the ovaries run out of egg follicles which, as well as producing eggs, also secrete oestrogen and progesterone hormones. As receptors for these hormones are found throughout the body, falling levels of hormones can cause a wide range of side effects. In addition to hot flushes and night sweats, you may also notice mood swings, changes in libido, and a tendency towards skin, hair, and intimate dryness.”
“In the skin, oestrogen boosts the production of collagen and promotes skin thickness, elasticity, and hydration. As oestrogen levels fall, skin becomes thinner with dryness, itching, slackness, and wrinkling. These effects are hastened by the damaging effects of sunlight.”
"At the same time, lower oestrogen levels increase the risk of long-term health issues such as high blood pressure, rising cholesterol levels and bone health issues such as thinning bones, as well as problems with vaginal discomfort and bladder weakness,” she adds.
The best menopause supplements at a glance:
• Best menopause supplement overall: Wild Nutrition Menopause Support Trio - Buy now on Wild Nutrition
• Best menopause supplement for hot flushes: Health Span Soy Isoflavones Supplements - By now on Healthspan
• Best menopause supplement for joints, skin and nails: Ancient + Brave Bovine Collagen - Buy now on Amazon UK
• Best Vitamin D supplement for menopause: Nutri Advanced Vitamin D3 with K2 Liquid Drops - Buy now on Amazon UK
Emphasising the importance of supplements in this stage of life, Sasha Parkin says, “For many women, supplements can make a big difference. Physiological changes going on in your body during this time, can be made worse by nutrient insufficiencies/deficiencies, so tailored supplementation where recommendations are catered to each individual can help alleviate several symptoms you might be facing. These personalised services are made available by Wild Nutrition’s free consultations.”
Vitamins and minerals essential for women going through menopause
Listing out some of the key vitamins and minerals that are essential during menopause, Sasha Parkin explains, “Magnesium can play a huge role in supporting good quality sleep and restless leg syndrome both of which are common complaints during menopause. Known as nature's calming agent, it can provide relief and ease anxiety as well. It also also important to keep your digestive system healthy with probiotics as oestrogen levels are implicated in the production of serotonin (our happy hormone) of which 95% is produced in the gut.”
“Good levels of calcium intake is essential during menopause and postmenopausal years when bones do not have the protection from hormones, which means an increased risk of osteoporosis and fractures. Low levels of Vitamin D have been linked to increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cognitive decline and mood disorders in menopause,” she adds.
Omega 3 is another important component for the production of hormones and to counteract the effects of low serotonin levels, Vitamin B-6 supplements during and after menopause can be beneficial. Furthermore, for vegans and vegetarian individuals, finding the best B12 supplement is crucial for maintaining energy levels and mood stability.
Learning about the best supplements available on the market and understanding what all their benefits are can seem challenging. This is where insights and supplement recommendations will help, from experts like Dr Ferhat Uddin, a Menopause Specialist and founder of Liberty Health Clinics, an online menopause service provider. It is also important to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen to ensure it's appropriate for you or any medication you may be on.
To give you a helping hand, we’ve rounded up the best menopause supplements, including recommendations from Dr Sarah and Sasha Parkin along with their advice on navigating your symptoms.
Disclaimer: Always talk to your GP before starting a new supplement regime.
Best supplements for menopause
Wild Nutrition’s Menopause Support Trio includes their Food Grown Menopause Complex which helps in improving mental resilience, supporting muscles and joints, reducing tiredness and fatigue and providing nervous system support. The set is also includes a jar of their Food Grown Bone + Muscle support and Women’s 45+ Daily Multi Nutrient which supports hormones, energy, metabolism and immune function. These can also be purchased separately with the Menopause Complex priced individually at £25.60
The Menopause Complex was tested and reviewed by Yours and the comments were: “I have seen an improvement, especially when I first get up in the morning when I feel more alert and less fatigued late afternoon. I needed a nap most days after work and can manage without now. In terms of mood swings, I have had a few stressful weeks and although I felt angry at times, I don’t think it lasted as long and I feel more calmer and think more clearly than before.”
“I am also sleeping better and for longer. They are easy to take and have slotted into my evening routine. I think they have helped my menopause skin itching especially at night. I have noticed that my hair and nails are growing faster too.”
“I still struggle with concentration, memory and brain fog especially when I am tired and have not had much sleep. But there is improvement. My skin has had some breakouts, although I am not sure if I have been under more stress the last few weeks or as I am sweating more with the warmer nights,” she says.
“It is quite pricey, but I would carry on taking them to see if it helps more as have seen some improvement and I am hopeful they may help more if taken for longer,” she added.
- Available for purchase individually or as a set
- Helps to improve sleep, concentration and memory
- Reduces fatigue
- Positive results within one month
- Also available as a subscription
- Our reviewer felt they are a bit expensive to keep purchasing as a routine
Best supplement for hot flushes

Isoflavones are plant hormones that have a weak oestrogen-like action in the body and Isoflavone supplements can reduce the frequency of hot flushes by 20 per cent. Plus, it can reduce their levels of severity by 26 per cent within 6 to 12 weeks. These supplements also contain Vitamin B6. Dr Ferhat Uddin also shares that red clover, soy isoflavones and Ashwaghanda are among the most effective natural supplements to help alleviate hormonal symptoms and promote a smoother transition during menopause in her experience.
“I also recommend eating live bio yoghurt or taking a probiotic supplement, as the balance of bacteria within the intestines affects how well plant hormones are activated, and whether the isoflavones found in soy (daidzein) is converted into a more beneficial oestrogen called equol,” explains Dr. Sarah.
Reviewers who have tried the supplement shared that it helps to provide relief from hot flushes and hot sweats. One customer said, “It has reduced the frequency of my hot flushes and I use it as HRT replacement. It helps but you have to take it long term.” “It has helped me feel like my old self,” another reviewer added.
The only downside is that these supplements only contain soy isoflavones, so if you are looking for a supplement that offers more vitamins, you could consider some of the other options listed below. It would also not be suitable for those who are allergic to soy.
- Contains Vitamin B6
- Helps with hot flushes
- Only contains soy isoflavones
- May not be suitable for those who are allergic to soy
Best menopause supplement for joints, skin and nails
It’s a fact that collagen levels in the body naturally decline as we age. Unfortunately, for women, this only gets worse in midlife. The perimenopause and menopause can have a detrimental impact on collagen levels as a reduction in oestrogen can decrease our natural collagen levels. Not only does this mean our skin will lose elasticity but it’s bad news for our joints too. The good news is that there is something you can do about this.
Taking a collagen supplement is a really easy way to combat this. The award-winning collagen blends from Ancient +Brave are crafted with perimenopausal women in mind. This one is made using grass-fed bovine collagen powder but if you don't eat meat or beef, then they also have a Marine Collagen powder too.
Our Digital Editor Claire Tapley has been taking this supplement for over a year now and can’t rate it highly enough.
“I’m at the early stages of perimenopause and I’ve been so impressed with the difference this supplement has made. Before taking it, I used to wake up most mornings with an aching lower back. After just three weeks of taking this supplement this pain disappeared completely! I recently went on holiday for two weeks and forgot to take this product with me and I noticed the back pain returned. As soon as I got home and started taking my collagen again and the discomfort totally disappeared.
As well as being great for my joints I‘ve also noticed it gives my skin a real, healthy glow. My hair is thicker and falls out less and my skin, which was often quite dry, now appears much softer and plumper. If you experience hair thinning finding the best supplements for hair growth could be beneficial too.
What I love about this product is how easy it is to incorporate into your diet. It’s completely tasteless so I either pop a spoonful into my coffee in the morning or mix it into my yogurt for breakfast. I’ve actually found that adding this to my breakfast helps me feel fuller for longer too as there is a high level of protein in collagen that will keep you feeling satiated after a meal.
I’ve recommended this product to so many of my friends and family and they have all reported similar positive effects. The only downside is that it may not suitable for vegetarians or vegans."
- Clean ingredients made from grass-fed bovine collagen powder
- Tasteless and odourless
- The cows have been raised naturally without hormones, antibiotics, chemicals, or GMOs.
- 5000mg per Serving
- In powder form, so great if you don't like swallowing pills
- Can make you feel fuller for longer
- Not suitable for vegetarians or vegans.
Best vitamin D supplement for menopause

Vitamin D3 is the most effective form of supplemental vitamin D since our skin naturally produces it in response to sunlight. Nutri Advanced's Vitamin D3 with K2 Liquid Drops combines essential Vitamin D3, which supports bone health and immune function, with Vitamin K2 for maintaining healthy bones. Many women tend to suffer from low Vitamin D levels, which is known to cause symptoms such as fatigue and low mood and can also be a factor in weight gain, so it’s essential that women boost their Vitamin D. These orange-flavoured drops can be taken directly or mixed with water.
Nutri Advanced's Vitamin D3 with K2 has been tested and reviewed by Yours and our tester comments: "The most common recommendation I have had from the consultations is that drops are the best way to absorb Vitamin D and that the supplement should contain a D3 K2 combination, which makes this option perfect.”
“I believe it has really increased my energy levels and strengthened my immune system. I just take three drops on the tongue daily and it tastes pleasantly of oranges,” she added. One thing to note is that these D3 drops contain Cholecalciferol which is usually derived from sheep's wool, so it may not be suitable for vegans.
- Liquid form transports well around the body.
- Includes Vitamin D3 and K2 to ensure the best results
- Excellent value and long-lasting
- It may not be suitable for vegans.
Best omega supplement for menopause

Nutritional Therapist Sasha Parkin says, “During perimenopause and menopause hormones rely on good levels of Omega 3 - a building block for the production of certain hormones. It is also anti-inflammatory during a time when the body is commonly more inflamed.”
Health & Her Omega+ is suitable for women of all ages, at every stage of female health (apart from if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding). This Omega supplement supports the brain, vision, heart health and cholesterol levels. It is also a vegan, gluten-free, non-GMO option with no added preservatives or artificial colours.
A reviewer who has been taking these supplements for a month now shared that they help her sleep better and feel more alert. “I am also less anxious and generally feel better about myself,” she added. The best part is you can also save a few pounds by opting for the subscription based purchase and this is also when you get the best value as opposed to buying a single pack.
- Vegan, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, with no added preservatives or artificial colours
- 90 soft gel capsules or a 30-day supply that is subsciption based
- Supports brain function, vision, heart health and cholesterol levels
- Best value is when you buy a subscription
Best menopause supplement for intimacy

The Health & Her Intimacy+ Multi-Nutrient Support supplements help to increase sexual drive, support the nervous system and enhance vaginal lining. They also contain Vitamin B6 which contributes to the regulation of hormone activity. As a vegan, gluten-free and non-GMO product with no added preservatives or artificial colours, this is suitable for women of all ages, at every stage of female health apart from if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.
The Health & Her Intimacy+ Multi-Nutrient Support was tested by Yours and our reviewer aged 46 said, “They have definitely helped me sleep better, I think it is the Magnesium in them. I think they have also helped me feel more positive and certainly more loving towards my partner. My only complaint is that while the product said it would help with vaginal lining, I am still having dryness and suffering from thrush on and off.”
- Improves sex drive and intimacy
- Helps to sleep better
- It is a vegan, gluten-free and non-GMO product
- Suitable for women of all ages
- Available on a subsrciption basis as well which is cheaper
- Our reviewer felt that it does not help with resolving vaginal dryness
Bes menopause supplement for pain and symptom relief

Black Cohosh is licensed as a traditional herbal medicine used to relieve symptoms of menopause. It is believed to have a direct action on the brain, lowering levels of LH (luteinising hormone) to help normalize oestrogen-progesterone balance,” Dr. Sarah says. “It also has an effect on dilation of blood vessels, and helps to relieve hot flushes, night sweats, low libido, anxiety, and mood swings as well as improving sleep quality", she adds.
Reviewers who have been taking these supplements share that they have immensely helped to reduce hot flushes. “I’ve been taking the Black Cohosh tablets in the evening for 13 nights now and I’ve only had one or two night sweats and no day hot flushes since. I’m sleeping well, so I feel better when I get up in the morning and I feel like I’m in control of my body again,” one customer added. However, each film-coated tablet contains 142mg of lactose, so it is not suitable for all dietary requirements.
- It is a natural remedy with pain-relieving properties
- Made with pure Black Cohosh
- Each film-coated tablet contains 142mg of lactose so not suitable for all dietary requirements
Best menopause multivitamin

JSHealth have launched a Menopause+ supplement, that is a blend of herbs and nutrients (Sage, Chaste Tree, Ziziphus and Vitamin B6). The supplement is created by a team of leading experts and backed by science, alongside founder, and clinical nutritionist Jessica Sepel. The supplements were specially formulated to support women experiencing symptoms of menopause, such as reducing excessive sweating, relieving symptoms of premenstrual tension, and supporting energy production, while also regulating energy levels.
The JSHealth Menopause Formula was tested by Yours and our reviewer shared that she relies on the extra supplements to support the changes she has been experiencing during menopause. “I found that within a little more than a month of taking the JSHealth Menopause+ supplement, I felt much more energised in the mornings whereas normally I would feel sluggish,” she said.
“The only downside for me is that it doesn't include magnesium which other menopause supplements have, so I still needed to take that additionally to help manage symptoms," she added. Also, best value is when you buy a subscription as opposed to buying a single pack.
- Contains Sage, Black Cohosh and Ziziphus
- Vitamin B6 contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity
- Best value is with a subscription
Best menopause supplement for skin

Evening primrose oil supplements supply an essential fatty acid, GLA, that improves skin quality, smoothness, and lustre. "This helps to reduce dryness and itching and plumps out wrinkles. It also reduces age-related mottling and age spots, suppressing the over-production of melanin pigment in older women," says Dr. Sarah.
With customers who have been using this product for over 35 years, reviews rave about its effectiveness. “This oil has helped to reduce eczema symptoms for many years now and they are also easy to swallow. It has been keeping those PMS symptoms at bay for years with no cramps, headaches or mood swings,” says one reviewer. However, it may be cheaper when bought in supermarkets.
- It is an added natural source of vitamin E
- Supports women's health and protects cells from oxidative stress
- Vegan
- May be cheaper when bought in supermarkets
Best menopause supplement for night sweats

Sage leaf is a traditional herbal remedy for sweating which can also relieve menopausal hot flushes. “A study involving 69 menopausal women who’d experienced symptoms for at least a year, and who had at least five flushes a day, showed that sage leaf extracts reduce the frequency of hot flushes with the rate of moderate flushes dropping by 62 per cent and stopping very severe flushes altogether,” says Dr. Sarah. “The intensity of flushes overall was halved within four weeks and reduced by 64 per cent within 8 weeks.”
One customer shared, “I have been taking this supplement for about 3 weeks now and my hot flushes have reduced by about 75%. I am now sleeping so much better so and I would recommend giving this a try to anyone suffering from night sweats.”
The only downside is that these supplements only contain sage leaf, so if you are looking for a supplement that offers more vitamins, you could consider some of the other options listed below.
- Good for reducing hot flushes and night sweats
- It is a natural herbal remedy
- Only contains sage leaf
Best CBD for menopause symptoms

“If falling oestrogen levels are affecting your quality of life, ability to sleep, or associated with anxiety or difficulty relaxing, cannabidiol (CBD) oil can help,” recommends Dr. Sarah. “CBD is extracted from hemp plants and is one of the most effective natural substances for aiding relaxation and promoting general feelings of wellbeing. Like oestrogen, CBD enhances the effects of other brain chemicals, such as serotonin, and is especially helpful at this time of life to help reduce menopausal symptoms,” she adds.
One customer who has been using this product shares, “When I struggle with periods of heightened anxiety these are my go-to as a steadier to help me rationalise and focus.” It takes a few days to get into the system and it helps with sleep too. “I also find it helps with joint pain I experienced following a car accident," she added. However, CBD oil has a distinctive taste. If you are not keen on this, it might help to take it with a few sips of water
- Good for calming anxiety
- Comes in a liquid form that is easy to use
- CBD oil has a distinctive taste. If you are not keen on this, it might help to take it with a few sips of water
Best menopause supplement for fatigue
The A.Vogel Menopause Support supplement is a unique formulation made with soy isoflavones, magnesium, hibiscus extract and vervain. The Magnesium in it helps to reduce feelings of tiredness and fatigue while also supporting the nervous system. It is GMO-free and suitable for vegans; however, it is not ideal for those with a soybean intolerance or allergy.
One customer who has been suffering from several hot flushes during the day and constant night sweats shared that after taking these supplements for a week, she has not had even one hot flush throughout the day and no hot sweats during the night either. This helped to improve her energy as these hot flushes were draining her all day.
“I am 46 and have started to experience extreme anxiety and feelings of fear/panic with no specific cause, tearfulness and intense irritation. I really felt quite scared at how unlike myself I was feeling,” another reviewer shared. “I've now been taking this for two months and feel much more like myself again. An added bonus is that my skin has improved considerably. I have had hormonal chin acne and breakouts which disappeared since I started taking these tablets,” she adds.
However, it may not be suitable for those who use hormonal contraceptives or those with a soybean intolerance or allergy.
- 50mg of bioavailable phytoestrogenic soy isoflavones for symptom support
- Made with clean natural ingredients
- Can be used with HRT, but not suitable to use with hormonal contraceptives
- Not ideal for those with a soybean intolerance or allergy.
Best supplement for perimenopause

If you are just beginning to experience symptoms and are looking for a good supplement for perimenopause support, the Natures Aid PremEeze Agnus Castus is an ideal choice. It relieves premenstrual symptoms and is ideal for premenopausal women with a heavy flow. This supplement contains Agnus Castus, which was first used for female health by Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine. This herbal medicinal product helps with symptoms such as mood swings, irritability, breast tenderness, cramps and bloating.
One reviewer who has been taking this supplement for a month now shared that she has been suffering from bad mood swings with her periods. “I can honestly say I already see a difference in my moods. I have always worked out lots, but when my period is due I feel like there is a cloud over my head and I feel like a totally different person which I hate. Trying this supplement has turned that around,” she says. However, it is only suitable for adults and not for teens suffering with PMS.
- Contains pure Agnus Castus
- Supports mood swings, breast tenderness, bloating and menstrual cramps
- Offers good premenstrual symptom support too
- Only suitable for adults so not suitable for teens suffering with PMS
Best supplement for before and after menopause

Vitabiotics Menopace claims to be the UK's number 1 vitamin company and Menopace the leading Menopause supplement brand in the UK. Menopace contains vitamin B6, which contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity. It also includes vitamin C, which contributes to healthy collagen formation for the normal function of skin, teeth, cartilage, bones, and blood vessels.
Women who have been using this for years share that it has helped them immensely with hot flushes. One reviewer said, “My flushes were fierce; particularly at night - so I was willing to give anything a go. After taking these for almost two and a half months, I noticed that my hot flashes completely disappeared.” However, it is recommended to continue using it for 30 days before you start seeing the benefits.
- Highly-rated and bestselling product
- Provides multivitamins with symptom support
- Contains collagen
- Excellent value for money
- Some recommend giving it 30 days before you see the benefits
Best mushroom powder for menopause symptoms

For those people with ovaries, this Pretty Pea blend complements the monthly changes that come with menstruation and menopause. It's one of many menopause supplements the brand makes. The power of mushrooms boost your immune system and this supplement contains a plethora of medicinal mushrooms such as Chaga, Lions Mane, Reishi, Shiitakea and Maitake to support everything from mental well-being to cognitive function. It also helps with healthy digestion, wellness and vitality.
Customers who have tried this supplement shared that it has really helped them regain agency over tiredness and fatigue. “Though they can be a little tricky to swallow sometimes, these capsules are part of my daily routine now. They offer me relief and I've been feeling generally healthier since I began taking them," one reviewer added. However, some reviewers found that the taste is quite strong and it may not be to everyone's liking.
- Made from medicinal mushrooms to support wellbeing
- Certified organic by the soil association
- Helps in boosting your immune system
- Some reviewers found that the taste is quite strong and may not be to everyone's liking
Best menopause supplement for energy boosting properties
According to Webmd, NADH stands for "nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) + hydrogen (H)." This chemical occurs naturally in the body and plays a role in the chemical process that generates energy. NADH supplements are commonly used by people as medicine. NAD is known to help with menopausal symptoms and slow the ageing process. Plus, it is known to help with memory, alertness, as well as treating Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Due to its energy-producing properties, it is also used for improving your performance when exercising and treating chronic fatigue syndrome. However, it can be expensive to keep purchasing on a regular basis.
The TRU NIAGEN NAD+ Supplement was tested by Yours and the reviewer said: "I have been taking the TRU NIAGEN NAD+ supplements for a month now, and since taking them, my energy levels have improved. Usually, I take them first thing in the morning. Or, if I plan to work out, I take them before exercise. I often feel lethargic and fatigued due to digestive and gut health issues. But taking these supplements with a healthy balanced diet has really helped boost my energy levels and concentration. If you are looking to find ways to increase your energy alongside a healthy diet, these supplements help with psychological function, reduce tiredness and help to maintain the normal functioning of your nervous system."
- Helps with memory, improving alertness and slowing down the ageing process
- Contains NAD which is a potent potential tool for slowing down dementia's effects
- Great for energy boosting
- Can be expensive to keep purchasing on a regular basis

What are the most effective natural supplements that help with menopause symptoms?
Nutritional Therapist Sasha Parkin believes that including more phytoestrogens such as dong quai, red clover and alfalfa in your diet will help. “Phytoestrogens play a key role in maintaining normal bone density and balancing drops in oestrogen levels. You can also find phytoestrogens in foods such as organic soy products like tofu, tempeh and edamame, flaxseeds and cruciferous vegetables.”
“This is why those following diets rich in these foods, such as Asian communities commonly report far fewer hot flush experiences,” she adds.
“There are also adaptogens which are plants or mushrooms that help improve your body's natural resilience to stress and provide an overall feeling of wellbeing and balance. Some examples are ashwagandha and shatavari.”
When to start taking menopause supplements?
"It's generally recommended to start taking menopause supplements when you first begin experiencing perimenopause symptoms, typically in your 40s or early 50s. This allows the supplements to provide support as hormone levels start fluctuating or declining," says Dr Ferhat Uddin.
How to identify a high-quality supplement?
When choosing a supplement, Sasha Parkin suggests to look for the following things:
- Transparency around the origins of their products and ingredients.
- Avoid added fillers, binders, artificial colours or flavours which are unnecessary ingredients.
- Look for external certifications such as GMP certified, MSC certified, Friends of the Sea, M-Tick, B Corp etc. The show that these products have demonstrated practices going above and beyond in a particular area such as quality, sustainability and community which is often a good sign.
- Look for brands that use high-quality, standardized herbal extracts.
Do menopause supplements work?
“A review of treatment effects from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guideline on menopause concluded that isoflavones and black cohosh are more effective than placebo in treating hot flushes, but not better than prescribed HRT, which is as expected,” says Dr. Sarah.
“They are a suitable alternatives for women who are unable or unwilling to use prescribed HRT. Guidelines for UK doctors advise explaining to women who want to use complementary therapies, such as isoflavones and black cohosh, that the quality, purity, and constituents of these products may be unknown and that different preparations may vary.”
That’s why it’s important to select a product made to a pharmaceutical standard known as GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) “This means the identity, purity, and dose is checked at every stage of production,” explains Dr. Sarah.
Can menopause supplements be taken with HRT?
Sasha Parkin says that it mainly depends on the supplement but in many cases, they can safely be combined with HRT once the dose has been established for the individual. “This is because there may be some back and forth at the start of someone's HRT journey to find the correct dose and HRT administration for them.” But it is advised to discuss this with your doctor to ensure there are no contraindications.
Are there risks to taking supplements?
Speaking to a doctor will help you understand what supplements suit you and how they could interact with any medications you might be on. This is to make sure they can be combined and if so how best to take them. “If you have a history of a hormone-dependent condition such as endometriosis or breast cancer, then seek advice before taking oestrogenic supplements," says Dr. Sarah. Dr Ferhat adds that in such cases, red clover and soy isoflavones should not be used without speaking to your doctor too as it can be harmful to hormone sensitive tissue.
“Ashwaghanda can sometimes cause digestive issues or mild drowsiness. It may interact with certain medications, such as thyroid medications, sedatives, or immunosuppressants,” she adds.
Should I choose supplements or medication?
“There are plenty of natural remedies to help you navigate this time of life. But if you are struggling, do see your GP. Prescribed HRT can quickly control symptoms if you are willing and able to use it,” recommends Dr. Sarah.
What are post menopause supplements?
“Postmenopausal women can require a unique supplement regime to support their body. There is a higher incidence of conditions like osteoporosis, heart disease & metabolic syndrome during these years, therefore it is important to keep healthy through diet and lifestyle and bridge any nutrient gaps with supplements,” Sasha Parkin says.
“Often a good quality multi-nutrient and a bone health supplement containing Vitamin D and Calcium will be beneficial as well as keeping on top of omega levels or supplementing this too. Magnesium supplements are also important during this stage,” she adds.
But this is never a one size fits all approach, so it always recommended to speak with a Nutritional Therapist and a GP to work out what is best for you.

Meet the experts:
Dr Sarah Brewer is a former GP and Medical Director of the brand Healthspan, leading UK supplier of vitamins and supplements. With years of experience working in the field of nutritional medicine, she has also taken up health communication to spread awareness. She is also an award-winning author of over 70 self-help books, of which the latest one explores the researched health benefits of CBD and medical cannabis.
Sasha Parkin is a registered Nutritional Therapist who works with Wild Nutrition, a brand that specialises in naturally sourced, food-grown supplements. Her areas of expertise are pregnancy, postpartum health, support with sleep, energy, stress and immunity issues. She also works with women struggling with hormone regulation, PCOS, digestive health, weight loss and skin problems.
Dr Ferhat Uddin is a menopause specialist and the founder of Liberty Health Clinics, an online menopause service provider. She has been a GP for more than 10 years and aims to provide safe, effective and personalised service that integrates medical, psychological and nutritional guidance for women going through menopause.
Ellen Kinsey is a senior health and wellness product writer for Yours, specialising in natural health and beauty. She lives and breathes all things food, travel and wellness.