While most of us are thrilled when the sun makes an appearance, the accompanying heat that comes with it can quickly become unbearable, especially if the country is experiencing a heatwave. It's also vital to ensure you don't overheat and experience heatstroke.
If you're looking for ways to keep cool in the hot weather, we're here to help out and you won't need air conditioning either! Just don't forget your suncream!
Stay hydrated
The most crucial step you should take when you're feeling the heat (and even when you aren't!) is to drink cool water, which will help reduce your body temperature, cooling it internally. Regular fluids will also ensure you don't dehydrate which increases your body heat.
We recommend an insulated water bottle to keep your beverage of choice nice and chilly.
Keep out of the sun
We know that it might seem obvious but did you know that the hottest part of the day - and when the UV rays are strongest - is 11am to 3pm? This is when you should aim to keep out of the sun. But don't worry, you don't have to go inside. Just take a seat in the shade instead.

Wear loose clothing
When picking your outfit for the day, go for loose clothing as this will allow air to pass along the skin and exit, speeding evaporation and carrying off excess heat.
You should also pick lighter colours as dark ones will absorb more heat.
Close your curtains
Got windows that face the direction of the sun? To keep your home cool (and offer you some respite when you're not sunbathing), keep curtains and blinds closed to prevent the sun from heating up your rooms.
Swap out your bedding
If you're struggling to sleep, you may wish to consider investing in a cooling duvet and pillow to help you get some shut-eye.
Go for a swim
If you're fortunate enough to live near a swimming pool or even an open swimming spot, going for a splash can provide some welcome relief. Just be sure to follow any relevant safety guidance.

Run a cold shower or bath
You can quickly lower your core temperature by taking a cold shower or bath. What usually wouldn't sound so pleasant ordinarily will feel heavenly on a hot day.
Purchase a fan
What? You don't have a fan!? Fix this immediately with the best fans to keep you cool during the day and night. Investing in a good one will last year for years.
Try a cooling spray or gel
Not just good for hot flushes, purchasing a cooling spray or gel can help provide relief during a hot day or night.