Not only is honey sweet and delicious, it also has many health benefits too. It's full of nutrients and antioxidants and it's also a great alternative to sugar if you're looking to cut down.
We've rounded up some of the best health benefits of honey plus the best honey to incorporate into your diet.
The health benefits of honey
1) Antioxidants
Many high-quality honeys contain antioxidants which have been linked to reduced risk of heart attacks, strokes and some types of cancer. Buckwheat honey in particular is believed to boost the antioxidant level in your blood.
2) It can reduce cholesterol
It has been known to reduce LDL cholesterol, which is the kind of cholesterol that can cause heart attacks and strokes, while simultaneously raising “good” HDL cholesterol.
3) It can help healing
The use of honey for healing wounds was first used by the Egyptians and is still used to this day. Raw honey naturally contains hydrogen peroxide, an antiseptic. There have been a lot of studies into how using honey for the treatment of burns, wounds and ulcers have been a success.
4) Honey and lemon is great for coughs
If your cough is keeping you awake at night, try a warming mug of honey and lemon. This concoction has been used a natural remedy for coughs and sore throats for centuries and some research has suggested that honey is as effective as some over-the-counter medicines.
Simply add 1-2 spoonfuls of honey to a cup of hot water along with a slice or two of lemon for a warming drink before bed.
5) It's good for your gut
Honey is often used to combat digestive issues as it's a potent prebiotic, meaning it nourishes that good bacteria that are crucial for good digestion and our overall health.
Things to consider
Although honey has a lot of health benefits and is often a better alternative to sugar (especially refined sugar), it's important to remember that it's high in sugar and calories.
That's why it's really important to choose a honey that is high quality and that doesn't include added syrup or artificial sweetener. And like with most foods, you should only consume it in moderation. For example, drizzling a bit over your morning cereal instead of a sprinkle of sugar is a healthy swap to make.
The best honey to buy
Looking to swap your sugar for a good quality sweetener? We've rounded up the tastiest and best honey to incorporate into your diet.
Just so you know, while we may receive a commission or other compensation from the links on this page, we never allow this to influence product selections.
Most honey you find in the supermarket is pasturised, but it's the raw honey that will provide you with most of the health benefits. This particular honey is supercharged with nutrients that help support your bodyu2019s immune system including; Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12 and Echinacea.
The primary benefits of buckwheat honey are that it promotes healing in the body, supports immune functions, and boosts antioxidants. It is also great for skin and wound care, and helps to keep cholesterol and blood sugar levels down for people with diabetes.
It might be on the pricier side, but Manuka honey has many health benefits, from boosting the immune system and healing wounds to helping the digestive system and more.
If you're looking for a honey based treatment for a burn or wound, this is a brilliant alternative to smearing the honey you eat onto your skin. It's a specialised wound gel containing sterilised medical grade Manuka honey promoting wound healing while reducing the risk of infection for broken eczema prone skin and skin splits.