With so much going on in the world, it's normal to feel stressed and anxious from time to time. That's why so many of us are turning to meditation and other forms of mindfulness to unwind.
While things such as getting enough sleep, enjoying a calming cup of herbal tea and manifesting your favourite self-care quotes certainly help, there’s nothing quite as effective as being in-touch with ourselves. In fact, searches for meditation apps has risen by 1550 per cent in the past year alone.
The benefits of meditation include reduced stress, better focus, and improved sleep to name just a few. You can make sessions as short or long as you like, and build up your concentration over time.
Meditation is about training your mind in awareness and building a healthier sense of perspective. It’s by all means a skill that takes practice, and in turn, requires a good teacher. There are also limitless types of meditations out there including body-scanning and loving-kindness meditation, so it’s worth researching and trying as many types as you can and finding what works for you.
There are plenty of great books on meditation out there, from beginner level, all the way through to essays on the inner workings of the mind when we do decide to take the leap. The best part is that there’s no one rule for meditation, it’s about making it your own.
Everyone will have different approaches to the practice, so we’ve pieced together this edit of the best books on meditation that you can buy, covering all areas, and all skill levels.
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Dear Universe is a great pocket book to travel with for anyone seeking practical ways to bring meditation into their everyday lives. Its nuggets of wisdom allow you to guide your emotions and help you create the life you want, and features over 200 u2018mini meditationsu2019 if you want to put it into practice, without committing to anything too intense. One reviewer said: 'This book is so inspirational, it's so breathtakingly good. Whatever you feel in the moment it's there in the book. Beware, it reads your mind, feelings and emotions. The infinity of The Universe is at your finger tips. I genuinely feel so calm, inspired and empowered by this book.'

If youu2019re interested in the deeper meaning of meditation, The Mind Illuminated is an insightful read into Buddhism, cognitive psychology and neuroscience. This in-depth manual builds on the nine-stage model of meditation which was founded by ancient Indian sage, Asanga, and gives a clear look at how each stage impacts your practice. Despite its intense nature, this book is suitable for both beginners and seasoned meditators. One reviewer said: 'It is very in depth but also offers concise overviews. There is very little mention of religious practices, this is primarily about you and your mind and what terrain your mind will encounter as you meditate. What I like so much about this approach is that is starts right at the beginning, explains what why and how. Then, as you move on it explains what challenges you will face and how to deal with them.'

10% Happier is a New York Times best-seller for a reason u2013 mainly because it was written for and by someone who would never have usually considered meditation or any form of spirituality. It was written by ABC news journalist Dan Harris who publicly had a panic attack live on air, before seeking meditative practices and managing to totally reshape his life, just by becoming more mindful. This book is a narrative account of Dan's conversion from being a non-believer, complete with a guide for any beginners also looking to follow in his foot steps. One reviewer said: 'I like this book. It tells the story of the author's journey as he encounters, comes to grips with, and embraces meditation. It's well written, and since he's a reporter, it's also chock full of luscious direct quotes. What makes it special is that the author is not trying to convert anyone or sell anything -- just sharing his experience, as a fairly regular (though successful) guy in the hopes that it helps others.'
I particularly found satisfying the author's struggle to reconcile the ideas of letting go, impermanence, etc. from meditation with his drive for success. Well worth reading to the end.

This classic book in the world of meditation not only helps you understand it, but bring it to moments of your everyday life that youu2019d least expect. The booku2019s author, Jon Kabbat-Zinn, is even the founding Executive Director of the Centre for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society at The University of Massachusetts Medical School - so if thereu2019s anyone to trust when it comes to mindful practices, itu2019s him. **One reviewer said: '**This is a brilliant book. It really gets across the spirit and essence of mindfulness. If you're currently exploring mindfulness and want to find out more, then this book gives you more than just "sit for 10 minutes focusing on the breath". If you need some evidence of the authors wisdom, watch some of his lectures on youtube.'

A more laid-back approach to meditation, An Ordinary Dudeu2019s Guide is exactly that. A guide by John Weiler on how to approach meditation when you have no interest in being spiritual, and live a normal 9-5 life. It demystifies meditation right down to its simplest form, and a great read for anyone who is still sceptical or on-the-fence about whether it works. One reviewer said: 'Extremely clearly written. Very accessible - like being spoken to by a friend. What he says makes perfect sense. I think I have a much better idea about what meditation really involves now. His approach is not religious, and is very easy to follow. The book is pretty short, but excellent. If you liked this book then you might also like "10% Happier" by Dan Harris.'

Practical Meditation for Beginners is a beginners guide with in-depth looks at 10 different styles of meditation u2013 one for each day of the programme. This book is packed with friendly guidance for readers who have no idea where to start, and easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions. It also contains a lot of interesting thought prompts, which allow you to stop and reflect upon how you feel after doing each exercise, and in turn, decide which style of meditation is right for you. One reviewer said: 'This book opens up to the world of relaxation and sheds lights on not only the practicalities but also the wealth of emotions that challenge the mind day to day. As a therapist, it has helped me to support my solo and coupled clients as i use meditation and visualisation in our sessions.'

My Mind Wonu2019t Shut Up is a more satirical approach to meditation, packed with humorous tales from two Glaswegian women trying to navigate the world of meditation myths. This book is perfect for anyone with a curiosity for the practice, but equally turned off by anything too intense or spiritual-focused. This down-to-earth guide will help you gain more control over your mind, and make you laugh along the way. One reviewer said: 'A really unique book. Most self help books tend to be very serious but this is completely down to earth and light hearted, written by real people who completely understand the stresses that most of us face every day. Totally bonkers too, but that's part of the charm. I read it in just two evenings, but it would also be good to dip in and out of whenever you feel in need of a good giggle.'

Essential Chakra Meditation goes much deeper than just tapping into your emotions, but looks at each individual chakra (also known as your bodyu2019s vital energy centres), and gives meditations to follow based on each one and what it requires to heal. Detailed descriptions of the Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown chakras provide you with all of the detailed information you could possibly need to treat blockages. One reviewer said: 'You don't just have to close your eyes, focus on your breath, and let the random thoughts pass you by, which for myself and many others just becomes tiresome. You can shift your focus to the 7 chakras, which conceptually separate different mental and physical ailments, allowing you to go into each sit with specific intention, without getting bogged down by the details of your personal predicaments. You can repeat mantras that guide your experience ("I am supported", "I am powerful"), visualise energies that flow through you and around you, and ask yourself or your spirit guiding questions (out loud or in your head) - I was honestly quite surprised by how quickly meaningful answers started subtly presenting themselves to me.'

At a time when everyoneu2019s anxiety is skyrocketing, this pocket guide of wisdom is what we all need. Mindfulness Meditations for Anxiety is packed with inspiring quotes, uplifting snippets and over 100, five-minute, u201cdo anywhereu201d meditations to help ease symptoms. The exercises include traffic light meditation, get back to sleep and quieting your inner critic, so you can choose based on your feelings that day. One reviewer said: 'Dr. Michael Smith, PHD has developed a method in the form of an assembly of mental and physical practices which can help reduce anxieties that many of us suffer on a daily basis. The beauty of this extremely well researched book is that it teaches us how to meditate for many different types of anxieties, with clear directions that anyone can follow. Some of the topics are; dealing with love, death, forgiveness, gratitude and include the positive future for the individual. The book is extremely well written and organized so that the individual can easily find the topics that speak to them. For anyone who does not want to suffer any longer, this is the book for you.'