Christmas wouldn't be complete without the star of the show, the Christmas pudding, and Val Stones’, who was a contestant on The Great British Bake Offback in 2016, has a delicious recipe for those who are gluten-free.
You may remember Val earned herself the nickname as ‘the cake whisperer’ during her time on Bake Off, as she’d stop to listen to her cakes after taking them out of the oven to see if they were done. While we can confirm this technique isn’t part of this recipe, it is packed with lots of warm spices and alcohol - what more could you want from your Christmas pud?
Here’s what Val has to say about her gluten-free Christmas pudding recipe:
“I have to admit to something that many of you will find hard to believe. I had never tasted a homemade Christmas pudding until I met my husband (he was 16 and I was 17, we were childhood sweethearts and still are 50 years later). My mum was a baker but she always bought a Christmas pudding, they were black and the fruit was bitter and gritty (is there any wonder we never wanted a second serving?).
My husband’s mum, Val Stones, (yes - two of us called Val Stones) made Christmas puddings following her mum’s recipe. Once I had tasted Grandma Hetherington’s delicious rich fruity pudding, I never again ate a bought one but made my own.”
Serves: 12-16
Preparation time: 1 hour 10 minutes
Cooking time: six to severn hours
You will need
1lb and 2lb pudding basins, either pot or glass but avoid plastic if you can
Grease proof paper
Tin foil
String for fastening and making handles
Steamers if possible
230g sultanas
230g raisins
230g currants
230g gluten-free breadcrumbs
230g shredded suet (washed with cold water as suet is often dusted with flour)
230g grated cooking apples
230g grated carrot
200g soft brown sugar
Juice and zest of a large orange
Juice and zest of a large lemon
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground mixed spice
1/4 of a grated nutmeg.
3 large eggs
100ml cider
100ml barley wine
2 tablespoons of rum
2 tablespoons of brandy
200g sifted gluten-free self-raising flour
A lemon (cut in half to add to the steaming water as it prevents the pan from staining)
- Place all the fruits and spices in the largest bowl you have and stir.
- Add the sugar, breadcrumbs, suet, apple, and carrot, followed by the orange and lemon juices and zests.
- Place the eggs, cider, barley wine, rum, and brandy in a separate bowl, beat together and add to the pudding mixture.
- Give everything a big stir until all is well combined. The mixture will be fairly sloppy but overnight the fruits and bread will take up the liquids. Cover with a teacloth and leave overnight (or two), stirring occasionally.
- On the day you are going to steam the puddings, fold in the sifted flour. If the mixture is not as soft as it first was, add a little more cider or even milk to get a good dropping consistency.
- Pack the mixture into the lightly greased basins – this mixture should do one 2lb bowl and one 1lb bowl.
- Cover each bowl with a double layer of baking parchment and a sheet of foil and tie it securely with string to make a handle.
- Place the puddings in steamers set over saucepans of simmering water and add the halved lemons. Steam the pudding for six hours for a lighter pudding or eight hours for darker.
- Keep an eye on the water and top it up with boiling water as necessary. Once the puddings are steamed, let them cool before removing the coverings and replacing them (again using string to make a handle for easy lifting).
- Place the puddings in a cool dark place (mine are kept under the spare bed) until you’re ready to eat them.
When you want to eat the pudding
- Bring a saucepan of water to the boil and place a steamer on top, before turning it down to a gentle simmer. Put the pudding in the steamer, cover and leave to steam for two hours, checking the water every 30 minutes.
- When you’re ready to serve, remove from the steamer and take off the wrapping. Slide a palette knife around the pudding and turn it out onto a warm plate.
- Place a sprig of holly on top. I don’t set the pudding alight with brandy but do so if you wish. Serve the pudding with your preference of sauce, custard, cream or ice cream.
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Val is baking expert for Stannah.