We are all guilty of looking at our bodies and seeing all of the things we don't like. The bits that jiggle a little more than we want them to. If you are looking to lose a few pounds, to get healthier, or to tone, this may be the programme for you. This MuscleFood Goal Getters review looks at what makes this food plan different to other diets on the market.
We all know that jumping on a diet isn't always the answer. It can lead to cravings for sweet treats. And as we've always been told that these foods are 'bad' and need to be avoided, dieting can feel downright miserable. Not to mention, when you are busy or always on the go, it can be difficult to plan balanced nutritious meals.
This is where MuscleFood's new Goal Getters meal plans are designed to come to the rescue. Their goal is your goal, to help you to get lean or lose weight. This is done with easy, quick access, nutritious meals, that are all calorie-balanced. Musclefood is there to help inspire you to make healthy lifestyle habits instead of falling into the toxic 'all or nothing approach' that diets usually promote.
How we tested the The MuscleFood Super Slimmer meal plan
Commercial Content Editor Eleanor Weaver put the Goal Getters Super Slimmer plan to the test over the course of a week to see if these delivery meals were able to live up to their claims.
"I chose to trial the Goal Getters Super Slimmer full meal plan for six days. My box contained three snacks per day, and three meals per day to last the week. On this plan, my calories worked out to be 1500-1800 calories a day which would put me in a healthy deficit based on my TDEE (taking into consideration weight, age, height, and activity levels)."
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MuscleFood Goal Getters Super Slimmer Plan at a glance
With MuscleFood Goal Getters you can choose from over 100 nutritious meals and snacks. These will make up your meals over the course of five to seven days. You have the flexibility to choose your dietary preferences. You can choose your snacks and meals as well as when your order will arrive.
The meals and snacks you choose will be set to your chosen calories per day ranging from 1200-1800+ calories depending on your activity levels to help you to reach your weight loss goals.
When you start, you'll also receive a welcome booklet. You will also receive a MuscleFood exercise plan and access to your plan via the website. Here you can make changes to the delivery date, food choices, and you have the option to cancel anytime. Plus, you'll receive access to the Facebook community group for support.
Price: The brand says it works out to £1.92 per meal (options for five, six, or seven days)

Testing the MuscleFood Goal Getters: Super Slimmer plan
The meals come ready-made - you just need to heat them up - which I did everyday and then there were also a selection of low-calorie snacks for me to try when I felt a bit peckish.
How did the MuscleFood Goal Getters Super Slimmer plan make your life easier?
Personally, I was intrigued to try this plan. I have gained some weight and I wanted to feel more comfortable in my body. I was interested in trying a meal plan that focused on making positive lifestyle changes instead of just following a destined-to-fail diet and would make meal prep quick and easy to stop me from reaching for the biscuit tin!
The Super Slimmer plan made mealtimes completely hassle-free. I no longer had to think of dinner ideas as I could simply grab and go with my meals and snacks. You can choose to pick meal pots that are ready in four minutes if you don't have the time to cook. On days when you have more time, you can cook with fresh ingredients, using their kits that are super simple to follow and require minimal prep. Like other delivery meal services, you can keep the recipe cards for future use too.

I was provided with all the food I needed, so no food went to waste either. Usually, I have had to chuck fresh ingredients I don't use, but having everything that was required sent in my weekly box meant that everything was used, nothing went out of date, and I didn't make impromptu food buys on my trip to the shops. All my food was ready and arranged at home and the pots could be frozen if other plans came up with friends or family.
Would you recommend the MuscleFood Super Slimmer meal plan?
Yes! In fact, I've even continued using the meal plan after my week trial. I have even recommended it to my partner who works an extremely busy job.
I'd definitely recommend it to someone who is looking to lose weight without falling into dangerous diet territory. I love that this meal plan encourages healthy habits without forcing 'diet culture' down your throat, and instead shifting the focus to positive lifestyle changes.
Unlike other meal and diet services that label foods as 'good' and 'bad', the Musclefood Goal Getters menu is really varied with nothing off-limits. You can enjoy pizza, puddings, chocolate, pancakes, burgers... And rightfully so! It keeps you in a sustainably healthy deficit to meet your weight loss goals, and you are encouraged to add fruit and veggies to help fill you up if needs be.

I would also recommend this to anyone like me who often doesn't have the time or effort to cook. The meal plan provided me with delicious meals that were quick, hassle-free, and kept me on the plan.
I actually enjoyed the food and genuinely enjoyed cooking with the kits. Sure, maybe not everything will be to your taste but you can simply make sure to include your favourites week on week by editing your choices on the Musclefood website.
Would you choose the MuscleFood Goal Getters: Super Slimmer meal plan above others on the market?
I believe so, yes. Compared to other slimming services such as WW and Slimming World, I genuinely believe that this product is a much healthier and more sustainable approach to weight loss. It doesn't require you to cut anything out or complicate the weight loss process. The key to weight loss is calories in, calories out after all.
Price-wise, my six-day plan worked out to be £72 - that's £12 a day, or £288 a month. At first, I thought the price seemed a little expensive, but I actually found it to be really cost-efficient. Not only does nothing go to waste, but you're also paying for the ease and convenience. Having meals ready to eat in minutes stops me from reaching for the takeaway apps.
However, if you love to cook and relish in the cooking process, I would suggest that you try to opt for just a five-day plan so you can cook on the remaining two days. Otherwise, it may not be the right fit for you.
What changes would you make to the MuscleFood Goal Getters: Super Slimmer meal plan?
I really enjoyed most of my meals. Some were a little on the bland side so I would recommend having some seasoning to hand to help elevate the taste.
The only real gripe I have with the meal plan is the amount of plastic packaging that is used in comparison to meal services such as Hello Fresh which provide their meals in paper bags with minimal plastic. The majority of Musclefood's plastic can be recycled but there are some exceptions. Whilst you could reuse the empty pots, it's unlikely you're going to if you're on the plan for a while and end up with an additional one to two pots a day.
Having said that, I appreciate that Musclefood is providing a completely different service with different priorities. Whereas HelloFresh provides eco-friendly, fresh cooking, the Musclefood Goal Getters menu is designed to help you reach your goals and make mealtimes easy.
However, it's something that may be worth keeping in mind if you're looking to be more eco-conscious.
Final thoughts?
I am scoring this meal plan five out of five stars!
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I never thought I'd say I enjoyed a meal plan designed to help you lose weight, but here I am! The MuscleFood Super Slimmer plan is excellent for meal variety, flexibility and making positive lifestyle changes.
I didn't follow MuscleFood's provided exercise plan. However, I kept to my regular activity levels and lost weight - 1kg over the course of the week - all while still being able to enjoy my non-negotiable sweet treats!
When I joined the MuscleFood Facebook support group and it was great to hear success stories from like-minded people. I think this is just proof in the pudding that the plan works and is certainly worth a try. If it doesn't work for you, you can alter your calories, up your activity, or simply cancel, easy as that!
If you want to build lean muscle and are already active, you can try the Goal Getters Lean Machine plan to support your lifestyle needs.
Completely new to MuscleFood and want to give it a go? Enjoy £10 off and free delivery on your first week.

Eleanor Weaver was the Deputy Homes & Garden Product Editor for Yours, specialising in home décor, furnishings and appliances. Having worked commercially on Yours magazine and Yours.co.uk for the past six years, she's previously hosted Yours Live events and loves looking for home inspiration online.