Whether you’re a dog person or cat person, it’s true that we’re a nation of animal lovers and there is nothing quite like that human animal bond with our pets truly one of the family members . As well as being completely adorable, many dogs and cats can also be trained to offer what's known as pet therapy.
Also known as animal assisted interventions (AAT), pet therapy " utilises trained animals and handlers to achieve specific physical, social, cognitive, and emotional goals with patients."
And it's no surprise why pets have been found to offer significant health benefits to us humans. Pets keep us company and make us laugh but, more importantly, they can be incredibly detrimental to both our physical and mental wellbeing. Here’s how…
Unconditional love
Your four-legged friend will never question you or make you feel worse when you’re down. When things aren’t going your way, they’ll be there for a loving cuddle and support through thick and thin.
Taking care of a pet is a huge responsibility and the fact your pet is totally reliant on you can bring great feelings of pleasure and self-worth. This is especially the case after retirement which can make some people feel adrift.
In fact, astudy in 2015 found that people who performed activities or therapy with dogs reported fewer depressive symptoms.
Having a strict routine in life can be an instant mood booster. Taking care of a pet means forcing yourself to get up in the morning to let them outside and make sure they have some breakfast. For some people, taking a dog for a walk forces them to get out and enjoy some fresh air.
Doing good
Adopting a pet from a rescue centre can provide you with a great sense of satisfaction and fulfilment in knowing you have given an animal in need a loving, caring home.
Staying stress-free
There’s nothing quite like a cuddle with a fluffy friend to reduce stress. It’s been proven that regular interaction with animals can increase levels of oxytocin (the stress-reducing hormone) while decreasing the levels of cortisol (the stress hormone), bringing us into a more relaxed state. 74 percent of pet owners noticed improvement in their mental health from owning a pet.
So, if you find yourself feeling anxious, stressed or worried, stroking a pet may be the key to calming you down.
Healthy heart
Pets don’t just offer emotional support. There’s a lot of evidence to suggest that having one can also help you avoid health problems including future heart problems – their calming nature prevents our heart rate and blood pressure from climbing too high.

Low cholesterol
Some studies have shown that animal interactions could be the answer to keeping cholesterol low after it was found that the triglyceride level (a type of fat in certain foods that can cause high cholesterol) in pet owners was lower than those without. It’s not fully understood why this is, but scientists presume it could be down to the increase in physical activity when having a pet.
Immune boosters
Living with pets can make you less likely to develop illnesses or allergies than someone who has never had pets around them. Believe it or not, the dirt that pets carry in their fur is actually good for us. The good bacteria that pets pick up in their fur when they’re out and about is great for helping our gut fight off diseases.
While we're not suggesting you do the same, one study actually found that babies who slept with their pets were less likely to develop allergies later on in life.
Sleep better
Studies have shown that having a pet in the room while you sleep can improve sleep patterns and the quality of sleep quite considerably. It’s thought this is because we feel safer and more secure with a pet in the room, leaving us to feel more comfortable and relaxed.
Lose weight
Your pet pooch could be your perfect workout buddy if you’re looking to get fit. Finding the motivation to stay active can be hard, but when your dog needs exercise, it’s much easier to take a long walk and when you get back have a play with them in the garden.
A study in 2017 from the University of Lincoln revealed that dog owners on average walked 22 minutes more per day than non-dog owners.
Boosts your love and social life
Pets are a great way of providing comfort when lonely and could even open the door to new relationships – whether it’s meeting someone when you’re walking the dog or using your love of cats as common ground to start a conversation. It can begin with merely a hello and, over time, can develop into a long-term friendship.
With many people looking for new relationships online and via smartphone apps, research from Comparethemarket.com has revealed that our next friend or partner could just be a dog-walk away - with nearly one in five full-time workers meeting a new friend and 16 per cent starting a new relationship while out with their pet.
The study also revealed that having a pet could help people who have suddenly found themselves living alone. Almost half (45 per cent) of widows have struck up a positive conversation with a stranger while out with their pet and one in three has been able to make new friends.
Having a pet also improves the quality of relationships too - with over half of pet owners saying they are very satisfied with their love life and 41 per cent saying their pet had brought them closer to their partner.
Make you happier
For people experiencing anxiety and depression, a pet could be a wonderful way to improve your mental wellbeing. It’s an established fact that having a pet makes you happier, with research confirming that 55 per cent of pet owners are extremely happy with their life.
Gemma Sonfield at Comparethemarketsays: "These results just go to show how pets can help break down those social barriers and anxiety that some people suffer from. Pets are a great way to push us out of our comfort zone, expand our social circles and generally make us feel happier in life."
Celebs talk pets
“Cats have a scam going – you buy the food, they eat the food, they go away; that’s the deal.” Eddie Izzard
“Some of my best leading men have been dogs and horses.” Elizabeth Taylor
“People want to marry me for companionship. No thanks! I’ve got my cats for that!” Ruth Rendell
“I have found that when you are deeply troubled, there are things you get from the silent devoted companionship of a dog that you can get from no other source.” Doris Day