If you're anything like us, it's likely your tumble dryer sees a lot of action. Living in the UK means we only get so many suitable weather days to hang our laundry outside to dry.
Aside from regular maintenance, it's a good idea to give your tumble dryer a deep clean every few months. Cleaning expert, Sarah Dempsey at MyJobQuote shares her guide to keeping your tumble dryer spick and span.
What kit is needed to clean a tumble dryer?
To clean your tumble dryer you will need a:
• Cloth
• Bleach
• Water
• White Vinegar poured into a spray bottle
• Old towels

How to clean the lint filter
- To remove the lint filter, unlock the door and pull it upward. 2. Remove the inner filter by opening the outer filter. 3. Both inner and outer filters should be unfolded. 4. Remove the lint from both filters before cleaning them with the cleaning brush. 5. Clean the filters under running water, then completely dry them. 6. Replace the lint filter in its original position after inserting the inner filter into the outer filter. 7. Put the inner filter inside the outer filter.
How to clean tumble dryer
- Turn off the power. 2. Using a stainless-steel cleaner, clean around the drum and in the crevices. 3. Remove the lint filter by brushing it with your fingers to remove any accumulated fluff. Wash with warm water if your manufacturer recommends it. 4. Vacuum the lint filter area with a narrow attachment to remove fluff, dust, and hair. 5. Examine your vent. Disconnect the vent hose and look for snags. If the vent is damaged, it must be replaced. 6. Disassemble the back panel and clean around the exhaust area and vent pipe connection to thoroughly clean the inside of your tumble dryer.

How to clean tumble dryer exterior
To begin a proper deep cleaning of your dryer, first turn off the power source. Next, unplug the cord. If you have a gas dryer, you must also turn off the dryer's gas supply after unplugging it.
Pull your dryer away from the wall once you've disconnected the power so you can get behind it. (If necessary, seek assistance from a friend or family member.) Next, use a lint-free cloth and soapy water to clean the exterior. Clean the knobs and buttons as well, as they both collect grime.
How to maintain a tumble dryer
If you have a tumble dryer, you'll appreciate its time-saving capabilities, especially when it's cold or rainy outside. However, to ensure that you continue to reap the benefits of your dryer, you must maintain it to avoid significant problems from developing.
Remove build-up
It's easy to overlook, but always clean the lint filter after each cycle. This will keep the dryer running as efficiently as possible, lowering your energy bills and increasing the amount of time the machine saves you. Cleaning the lint filter takes only a few seconds; pull off the lint with your fingers and place it in the bin. Just make sure it's completely relaxed before you start.
Lint filter
If you want to give the filter a thorough cleaning, some are protected from washing in warm water; check your manual or the manufacturer's website to see if this is the case for you. Inspect for any signs of damage while cleaning the lint filter. The filters are inexpensive and straightforward to replace, and they are required to keep the dryer running smoothly.
Debris can also accumulate in the lint filter. This doesn't require as much cleaning, and a quick vacuum once every six months should suffice. While you have the vacuum cleaner out, clean the back of the machine, as dust build-up in this area can interfere with the dryer's operation.
Dryers seals
The seals on the dryer are another crucial area to clean. Because the dryer is frequently warm and damp, the parts of the seals that are more difficult to access can be a breeding ground for various unpleasant microbes. Make cleaning them a regular part of your housework, and you'll be able to keep your tumble-dried clothes smelling fresh.