It can be surprising how much room can be made in your house when you organise your things and learn how to declutter your home. Giving everything a good clean and making sure each item in has its own little place within your home clears your space and your mind.
The good news is, we're not telling you to renovate your home so you can use that space under the stairs for storage. These storage tips are quick, easy and simple to follow, and are an essential step for anyone wanting to redecorate or Feng Shui their living room.
Finding the time and energy to have a clear out can be a huge task but luckily, you can clear the clutter in no time with these handy tips for organising your home. We have come up with plenty of ideas may not have thought of; here's how best to declutter your home.
How to begin decluttering your home
•Make a list - Before you begin, write down everything that needs to be sorted out. Jot down the names of each room first, just so you know how much needs doing in each room.
•Short intervals - If everything seems too much, begin with 5 minute intervals. Once you get into a rhythm, you can extend this time limit.**
•Take before and after photos** - We've all seen Stacey Solomon's 'Tap to tidy' Instagram stories, so why not make your own - even if you don't post them, it'll still be satisfying.
•Play some tunes - It can be boring for some to do certain tasks in silence, so pop on your favourite podcast, listen to some brilliant audiobooks or create your ultimate cleaning playlist.•Tell somebody - If the thought of cleaning fills you with dread and you can't muster the energy to do so, tell a friend or family member that you're going to be tidying your home and then invite them round once it's done, so you can be proud of your efforts.
•Ask for help - Another way to get things done is to reach out to somebody and ask for help. They may be an impartial judicator, encouraging you to part with items that you don't really need.
How to declutter your home UK:
Tidying up your home can be stressful, so if you're wondering how to declutter your home without getting overwhelmed, we've put together some simple tips.
Make sure your bedding is matching
Avoid mismatched bedding by folding clean bedding sets and sheets and storing them inside the matching pillowcase. If you have a large collection of linens, keeping them all in sets makes bed-change day far easier!

Organise plastic carrier bags
Keep your plastic bags neat and tidy by stuffing them into an empty tissue box. To make them easier to pull out, try looping each bag into each other. Start by pushing your first bag into your box all the way until only the two handles are poking out. Pass the body of the next bag through the handles and then push this bag into the box so just the handles are sticking out. Repeat until your box is full.

Keep your earrings in pairs
Keep your earrings safely in pairs by threading them through buttons or storing them in pairs in ice-cube trays or egg boxes. Hang necklaces, bracelets and bangles from a kitchen mug tree so they’re easier to access and won’t get tangled.

Use a Lazy Susan
If you have a Lazy Susan hiding in the back of your kitchen cupboards it’s time to put it back to work! Use it to make it easier to reach all your herbs and spice jars or, if there’s space, pop it in the fridge to hold all those condiments and jars that tend to get buried at the back. Alternatively, it works well as under-sink storage too.

Storing wrapping-paper
Store wrapping-paper rolls in hanging garment bags. Also include scissors, tape, tags and ribbons so everything is easily to hand whenever needed.

Make a hanging door tidy
Make a hanging door tidy with pockets your storage essential - it's great for pantry storage. Great for tidying away and organising toiletries, cleaning products and make-up, as well as storing softer items such as rolled-up scarves, gloves and hats. If you’re a keen gardener they also make a clever shed tidy for storing small tools and gloves, too.

Organise your bookshelves
If your bookshelves are becoming overly crammed, it's time to cull some of the titles. Take everything off your shelves, then give everything a good dusting. Once you've finished this, create a couple of piles, one a 'keep' pile where you can save your favourite or must-read books, and the other a 'donate' pile for stories you put off reading or didn't really like.

Arabella Horspool is a Commercial Content Writer for Yours at Bauer Media. She's a bookworm who enjoys cooking and spending time with her many pets.