As the nights close in, spring may seem a long way away. But this autumn, we’d like to encourage the Yours community to plan ahead for a lovely spring surprise by planting daffodil bulbs for a very special reason.
Daffodils are one of the most uplifting sights of spring and also have a special association with remembrance. In fact, the charity Marie Curie, who provide care and support for people with terminal illness, have had the daffodil as their emblem for many years.

That’s why we’ve teamed up with Marie Curie and gardening provider J Parkers to create a special daffodil bulb collection, including Dutch Master and Jetfire. We’re inviting you to order and plant your bulbs this autumn in memory of someone who has sadly died.
Whether it’s someone who died decades ago, or only very recently, the idea is that the daffodils will become a memorial that you can nurture and enjoy as a colourful reminder of that precious person – connecting you to them through nature. What’s more, £4 from every pack will go to Marie Curie to fund their vital work in end of life care and bereavement support.
Our hope is that as the Yours community gets planting, come spring there will be gardens and window boxes all over the country bursting into life in memory of much missed loved ones, just in time for the National Day of Reflection on March 23 as well as Marie Curie’s biggest fundraising campaign, the Great Daffodil Appeal that runs throughout March.
At that time, we’ll also invite you to send in photos of your daffodils in bloom, along with stories of the person they’re planted in memory of, so we can all celebrate how their lives live on in your glorious gardens.
■ If you’d like to talk to someone following a bereavement, whether it was expected, happened recently or was some time ago, call Marie Curie’s free support line on 0800 090 2309.
Order the Spectacular Daffodil Collection of 75 bulbs, for just £14.95 (plus £4.99 P&P). Containing 15 Jetfire, 10 Altruist, 15 Golden Ducat, 15 Dutch Master and 20 Pueblo, all varieties are low-maintenance and great for rockeries, patio pots and cut flowers.
ORDER BY PHONE: Call 0161 848 1100 - quote YM5000
Or order by post and fill in our coupon in issue 385 (21st September) on page 108!
T&Cs: Due to Brexit regulations, this offer is not available in Northern Ireland. J Parkers deliver within 28 days. Call charges can vary so please check with your provider.