Whether your balcony is on the ground floor or the 22nd floor, using plants on your balcony can make your outdoor space a real Eden, whether you prefer evergreen interest, trees for structure, or colourful summer bedding.
When it comes to choosing which plants to put on your balcony, there are a few things to keep in mind when potting up:
- Weight - how much weight can your balcony take? Look for lightweight compost, and favour plastic pots over heavy terracotta.
- Location - does your balcony get a lot of sun, or is it always in the shade? This can affect which plants will grow best.
- Shelter - is your balcony overlooked or exposed? It may benefit from growing some tall but sturdy varieties that can not only act as a wind break, but also give you some privacy from your neighbours.
- Height - as a general rule, look for dwarf varieties of plants, and consider the height that they will reach when fully grown.
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Best balcony plants

Small trees - Mediterranean Olive Tree 'Olea Europa'
This mature olive tree measures around 150-160cm (including the pot), so a lovely height for a balcony. Small tree varieties like this will provide structure and a sense of privacy, as well as a lovely focal point for your garden space. Olives grow very slowly, so don't require much pruning at all. If needed, in late spring or early summer, remove dead, diseased or dying branches. Container-grown plants may need additional summer pruning to keep their size in check.

Climbers - Evergreen Star Jasmine
Another perfect structural balcony plant is a climber. Plants like this jasmine aren't very heavy and can be trained to grow in whatever shape you like. Grow in full sun or partial shade for year round interest.

Bamboo - Bamboo Fargesia Rufa
This hardy Umbrella Bamboo is suitable for just about anywhere in the garden. It is one of the lower growing varieties, only reaching an absolute maximum of 3 metres. Can be used as a stand alone feature in a pot, or planted in a row to create an informal screen on your balcony.

Herbs are brilliant plants for balconies. Not only can you enjoy fresh, aromatic pickings, but most herbs remain relatively small, so are well-suited to containers. They're hardy and usually don't mind a mixture of sun and shade. This selection of six herb plants includes rosemary, coriander, mint, chives and lavender in 9cm pots ready to plant.

Shade-loving plants - Hosta 'Dream Queen'
If your balcony is in a shady spot, plants such as hosta are perfect - there are lots of varieties to choose from with varying colour leaves and flowers in summer. They're also quite happy in a container.

Grasses - Festuca Glauca Elijah Blue
Grasses are great for adding texture to a garden, and these Festuca Glauca Elijah Blue are great for a small balcony space. Group in a pot with bedding plants, or you could also plant taller grass varieties in a row for privacy.

This lovely hydrangea is called 'Little Spooky' and is a dwarf variety with gorgeous white blooms. It's ideal for pots and containers, or wherever space is limited. Easy to grow in sun or semi shade in a fertile moist soil and very hardy, this is a low maintenance but impactful plant for your balcony.

Roses - Old English Shrub Rose Apricot
These beautiful classic roses are much easier to grow and care for than other varieties. Ideal for both beds and borders or in pots and containers, grow to the size you require. Hardy, vigorous and repeat-flowering for at least 4-5 months of colour.

Bulbs - tulip
Bulbs don't require a huge root run, so will happily grow and flower in pots. Bulbs are usually cheap to buy, too. For winter colour, go for cyclamen and snowdrops. Extend the colour into spring with daffodils, tulips and hyacinths.

Bedding plants
Bedding plantsare ideal for adding a personalised touch to your garden, or changing up your colour palette. Perfect for container, window box and basket filling.

Sunflowers - Sunflower Dwarf Sunspot
Yes you can grow sunflowers on your balcony too! This dwarf variety only reaches 50 cm, but is fun to grow from a seed and watch its progress.

Vegetables - Tomato plug plants
If you've dreamed of having a veg patch or growing your own at home, you can - even on a balcony. Tomatoes are ideal for this, just make sure they are supported by canes when they grow taller. You can also grow veg such as lettuce, courgette and beans easily on a balcony - although they will prefer a sunny spot.

Fruit - Strawberry 'Loran'
Fruit such as strawberries are ideal for a balcony as they grow happily in containers, or even hanging baskets or wall planters. While they prefer full sun, they're hardy and easy to grow.