There’s nothing more satisfying than getting your wardrobe space organised. Not only is having your things in order and tidy great for your mental health and decluttering your mind, but it’ll also make getting ready in the morning a lot more easier.
We know organising your possessions like makeup or clothes can be a little overwhelming, especially if you’re one to hold onto your clothes ‘just in case’ the perfect occasion comes around again, but having a regular clear out is essential to keeping your wardrobe as organised as possible.
If you’re keen to have a good clear out and get your wardrobe in order, we’ve rounded up our top 8 tips for organising a wardrobe that even Marie Kondo would be proud of.
Step 1: Have a clear out
Firstly, you’ll want to have a good clear out of all of those clothes you no longer wear. You might need to be a little brutal when it comes to choosing what you keep and what you don’t, but it’s often easier to split them into five categories.
Sell - anything you think someone else might like to wear
Throw - things like old underwear and tights that you no longer need
Maybe - give yourself some time to think whether you want to keep them or not
Customise - our bodies can change over the years, so you might love an item of clothing that no longer fits you quite right, but it might be worth taking to a seamstress or tailor to make it work for you again.
Keep - these are the items that you know you regularly wear and that you’ll continue to wear for the time being.
Try and have this kind of clear out seasonally to keep on top of your wardrobe. It may also help to get rid of an item of clothing every time you buy a new one so that you always keep the size of your wardrobe the same.
Step 2: Clean your wardrobe
You won’t want to put your nice clothes back into your dusty wardrobe. Make sure you give the insides and outsides a good clean before you put all your clothes in.
Step 3: Find some inspiration
To help you find some good storage solution ideas, it might be a good idea to have a look on pinterest for some ideas and inspiration. We’ve put together a few of our favourite ideas below.
Wardrobe organisation inspiration

Tripple wardrobe organisation

Compact wardrobe storage

Double wardrobe storage

Drawer divides

Large drawer dividers

Accessories drawer

Large wardrobe compartments

Shoes and clothes storage solutions
Step 4: Find the right storage for your space
There are so many different storage solutions available to buy depending on your space. For example, for your drawers, you might want to get some drawer dividers to separate your pants from your socks and more to keep them neat. These boxes are also great for storing thinner t-shirts, vests and pyjamas.
Things like matching hangers and boxes for your handbags and scarves are also a great idea, as they stop your space from looking messy when you open the doors.
Step 5: Organise by category and colour
Not only does colour organisation look very satisfying when you open up your wardrobe, but having all your trousers together, all your tops, dresses and knitwear clearly separated will make getting dressed easy, as you’ll be able to find your clothes in an instant.
Step 6: Short on space? Separate according to the seasons
If you don’t have much wardrobe space, it might be a good idea to split your clothes into summer and spring and autumn and winter and store the season you don’t currently need elsewhere in the house.
Step 7: Make sure everything is stored correctly
To look after all your lovely clothes and make sure they stay in the best condition, you’ll want to make sure you’re looking after them all correctly.
Keep your knitwear and t-shirts folded and flat
Make sure your longer items like dresses and jumpsuits can hang straight
Keep more expensive items in their dust bags or suit bags
Keep your shoes in their boxes if you still have them
Step 8: Don’t forget about your accessories
Buy some stick on hooks for the inside of your wardrobe doors - these will be a great place to hang any necklaces and bracelets! You can also make use of spare coat hangers by hanging any scarfs on them.