Whether you're someone who has all the best make-up and skincare that money can buy or you prefer to keep things as natural as possible, you may be wondering when do beauty products expire?
Out-of-date skincare products are not only less effective but they can also cause irritation and even spots. Clean up your cleansing routine and your skin will thank you.
How do I know when how long my skincare should last?
Thankfully there's no guesswork involved when it comes to the expiration of beauty and skincare products. On all the packaging, you should find a 'period after opening' symbol: a tub-and-lid symbol like in the below image that features the shelf life of the product after opening: e.g 6 months, 12 months etc.

While these symbols are a useful guide, remember that the storage conditions of your products can influence how long your product remains of good quality. For example, storing products in direct sunlight can affect certain formulas.
When do beauty products expire on average?
Cleansers - Up to 1 year
Cleansers will usually last up to a year, but if you’re using yours every day it’s unlikely to last that long anyway. Some pump face washes will last more than a year. Micellar water is an exception and should be used within six months because water-based formulas can harbour germs.
Eye cream - Up to 1 year
Most eye creams will last up to a year, but preservative-free ones may only last six months. Always dispose of eye cream after any eye irritation.
Face creams - Up to 1 year
Face creams including bb creams, cc creams and serums last for 12 months, but natural, organic and preservative-free products have a shorter shelf life. Check the use-by date in the open jar symbol. Use a clean spatula as a scoop, not your fingers, and keep products in a cool, dark place.
Lip balm - Up to 1 year
If you have a collection of old lip balms rolling around the bottom of your handbag, it’s time to say goodbye to them! Lip balms with SPF tend to lose efficacy after a year. Other balms may still be safe to use after a long while but can be a haven for dirt and bacteria.
Suncream - check the date
While some of these other products may still function fine after the suggested use-by date, sunscreen is not one to take the risk with. While it’s not likely to harm your skin, its efficacy will start to decline and you won’t be getting anywhere near the sun protection it originally promised.
Perfume - 3-5 years
Perfumes last from three to five years – longer if unopened. Heat and light are enemies though, so keep them in a cool, dark cupboard. Don’t forget that perfume bottles are designed to be seen and treasured so we say wear and enjoy yours, rather than saving them for ‘best’.