Over the years, there have been countless iconic moments in Corrie, from dramatic street fights to scenes that have had us laughing. Here are some of the funniest and classic moments from Coronation Street's history to look back on.
Elsie Tanner Vs Ena Sharples
Vera Duckworth finds out Jack was posing as a singer called Vince St Clair at a video dating agency
Hilda says her final goodbye's
Richard Hillman attempts to murder the Platts
The Barlow's attend alcoholics anonymous
Les and Cilla's whirlpool disaster
Royal Mail marks 60 years of Corrie with special stamps
Royal Mail are celebrating the 60th anniversary of Coronation Street with a special edition of stamps featuring the soap’s best-loved characters
Corrie stamps

Rita and Norris Coronation Street

Dev and Sunita Coronation street

Ken and Deirdre Coronation street

Elsie Tanner

Jack and Vera Coronation street

Tracy and Steve Coronation street
From sharp-tongued rivals to not always blissfully wedded couples, rowdy barmaids to gossipy friends, the Weatherfield cobbles have certainly seen their share of brilliant characters over the years. Now as the soap raises a pint in the Rovers Return to 60 years of broadcast, Royal Mail have marked the occasion with a special series of stamps celebrating the best-loved Corrie characters.
Did you know? The very first special souvenir stamps issued by Royal Mail not featuring royalty was in 1965 depicting Winston Churchill. Since then, souvenir stamp releases have captured everything from Charles Dickens characters to Beatles album covers, Dennis the Menace to Beatrix Potter illustrations
Deciding who to feature apparently caused heated debate but series producer of the show Iain MacLeod, hopes fans will be happy with the final selection, which heavily features a number of iconic double acts from Hilda and Stan to Ken and Dierdre. He said: “This fun idea is a great way to pay homage to the nation’s best-loved soap and give lovers of Coronation Street a little smile when an envelope pops through their letterbox and they see their favourite characters looking up at them.”
The 60th anniversary collection of Coronation Street stamps are available to buy now in shops and at shop.royalmail.com alongside souvenir postcards, stationery and collector’s sets
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