Until I Kill You: ITV’s true crime drama starring Anna Maxwell Martin and Shaun Evans

Until I Kill You Delia (Anna Maxwell Martin) and John Sweeney (Shaun Evans)

by Arabella Horspool |
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One of ITV's new dramas Until I Kill You is based on the extraordinary true story of a nurse who escaped a near-fatal relationship with a murderer.

Based on the memoir, Living with a Serial Killer, the show follows Delia Balmer (played by Anna Maxwell Martin) as she meets the initially friendly John Sweeney (Shaun Evans), who, as their relationship progresses, becomes vicious and controlling, violently attacking her after revealing that he has killed his ex-girlfriend.

John Sweeney (Shaun Evans) and Delia Balmer (Anna Maxwell Martin) ©ITV

Cast of Until I Kill You

Anna Maxwell Martin as Delia Balmer

Motherland, Line of Duty and Ludwig star Anna Maxwell Martin is portraying Delia Balmer in the drama.

Speaking to ITV on why it's important to tell the series from Delia’s perspective, Anna said: "We’re trying to say, “Wow look at this amazing woman” – she didn’t take any crap, she’s so resilient and fiery, such an individual, let’s celebrate that rather than showing more gratuitous violence against females on TV. I think we’re all a bit bored of watching that and following predatory male killers around on TV, I didn’t really want to focus on the abuse. We’re getting inside the mind of a woman who went through a lot of very complex things, not just to do with John Sweeney, and I’m very proud of the drama.

"I was also really interested in the brutalising system Delia became a part of – the judicial system, the police system and what happened there.. It was difficult to read what happened to her. Lots of people are missed all the time and Delia was. She is an incredibly strong, capable person and I hope we challenge the idea that victims of violence are wobbling jellies in the corner – they aren’t and it’s important to understand that. Delia always maintained her strength and her view of things and she was very rarely cowed by people, she had incredible resilience."

Delia Balmer (Anna Maxwell Martin) ©ITV

Shaun Evans as John Sweeney

Shaun Evans is best known for playing young Endeavour Morse and he has recently played Glover in Vigil. Now, he is taking on the role of real-life serial killer John Sweeney.

On why the show is unusual, he told ITV: "I think what’s unusual about it and what drew me to it is that we are focusing on the victim and telling her story but not glorifying anybody else except the victim.

"You’re getting into the weeds of what that was like after the event and that’s what I think is interesting and that’s what is agonising and painful about it. I think that’s unusual for any broadcaster. If you look at the sort of things that have been made recently within the same genre, they are focusing more on the perpetrator and not the victim."

John Sweeney (Shaun Evans) ©ITV

Kevin Doyle as David

Happy Valley actor Kevin Doyle plays David, Delia's former partner whom she met after the attack.

"He seems to me to be a very generous soul. He’s aware that he is offering much more to the relationship than he is getting back, but he understands the reasons why, so he gives Delia a lot of leeway. I think he saw a wounded animal in Delia, and he felt that he could look after her and that in some way she could support him. They’re both people of a certain age whose lives haven’t necessarily gone in the ways they would have liked – he’s divorced, he’s got grown-up kids and he’s quite lonely.

"There are aspects of David we diluted slightly, like the fact he was a very heavy smoker, but nevertheless, Delia found comfort in the stability that David offered, and he did seem to offer something loving. He was very generous with his time and his money, but nevertheless she just couldn’t fully commit to the relationship and they lasted three or four years together."

David (Kevin Doyle) ©ITV

Amanda Wilkin as Leah

Leah is a fellow nurse at the hospital and Delia's only (apparent) friend. The pair are close and Leah supports Delia through the events that happen.

Leah (Amanda Wilkin) ©ITV

Until I Kill You trailer

You can watch the trailer for the new drama here:

When is the Until I Kill You ITV release date?

The show begins on Sunday 3rd November at 9pm on ITV1. There are four episodes in total.

Until I Kill You: The true story behind the drama

Here's an in-depth synopsis from ITV: "In 1991 Delia leads an itinerant and solitary life in London working as an agency nurse. When she meets fellow free-spirit John Sweeney in a local pub, it seems like the connection she has been searching for.

"As the relationship develops, Sweeney’s artistic, anti-establishment persona gives way to a darker side, culminating in a series of violent attacks on Delia, during which he tells her he killed his former girlfriend and disposed of her body in an Amsterdam canal.

"Sweeney is arrested but, due to a catastrophic failure to realise how dangerous he is, granted bail. He very quickly pursues Delia and subjects her to a horrific, near-fatal attack. She survives, but Sweeney evades capture and disappears.

"Shattered by the trauma and injuries inflicted by Sweeney, Delia bravely seeks to rebuild her life. But Sweeney returns seven years later and is arrested for the murder of another girlfriend in North London. Delia’s fragile recovery is shattered all over again as she has to face Sweeney in open court, her testimony vital to the prosecution case against him.

"This is the story of one woman’s astonishing will to survive through physical and emotional torment, despite the failings of the institutions which were meant to protect her."

Real Delia Balmer ©ITV

Until I Kill You book

Until I Kill You by Delia BalmerPenguin

Rrp: $21.99

Price: $12.98

Initially called Living with a Serial Killer, Until I Kill You by Delia Balmer is the inspiration for the show and a first-hand account of the turmoil that she went through at the hands of the evil John Sweeney.

Arabella Horspool is a Commercial Content Writer for Yours at Bauer Media. She's a bookworm who is passionate about TV, film and theatre. She enjoys cooking, scrapbooking, playing board games and spending time with her pet dogs, tortoise and chickens.

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