“She’s shown a mirror, but for the first time, Sarah can’t fix it”: Gemma Whelan on The Tower series 3

The cop show is based on the books by Kate London.

The Tower series 3 cast

by Arabella Horspool |
Updated on

ITV has confirmed that the popular police procedural The Tower will return for series 3, and it promises to be just as "gripping" as the previous instalments.

We last saw this TV drama back in 2023, where DS Sarah Collins (played by Gemma Whelan) was pulled into a shocking cold case which focused on the disappearance of teenager Tania Mills. She was also helping to catch abusive killer Mark Brannon, who went on the run after murdering his wife, Georgina Teel.

This upcoming series 'The Tower 3: Gallowstree Lane' is yet again, full of intense drama and relevance, and is based on Kate London’s third novel and brought to life for the screen by writer Patrick Harbinson.

Gemma Whelan as DS Sarah Collins ©ITV

The Tower series 3 cast

You can expect the four main characters to return for The Tower season 3, along with a few new faces:

Gemma Whelan as DS Sarah Collins
Tahirah Sharif as Detecive Lizzie Adama
Jimmy Akingbola as DC Steve Bradshaw
Emmett J. Scanlan as DI Kieran Shaw
• Lamar Waves as Ryan Kennedy

Other returning cast members include:

Ella Smith as DC Elaine Lucas
Michael Karim as PC Arif Johar
Stuart McQuarrie as DCI Jim Fedden
Bobby Lockwood as DC Lee Coutts
Camilla Beeput as Julie Woodson
Laurie Delaney as Mary Shaw

The Tower cast: Gemma Whelan, Jimmy Akingbola, Emmett J. Scanlan, Tahirah Sharif ©ITV

"It's much easier to write for the characters now – each one has a distinctive voice." says screenwriter Patrick Harbinson, to us and other press at the Q&A launch of The Tower series 3.

"I like, as they know, pushing them as actors with complicated emotions and speeches and they rise effortlessly. It’s hugely enjoyable; once you know the actor as much as the character, it is generally much easier.”

Speaking of the joy of playing a character in a recurring show, leading cast member Gemma Whelan said, "I think the days of watching Colombo and Murder She Wrote... I just thought that would be like a really fantastic thing to be part of, to be a recurring role in a cast that becomes family.

"You know the role more and the writer knows the role more and they write for you more, so it’s a continuing pleasure and it just gets better and better as we all get to know each other better and Patrick (Harbinson) gets to know us better and the audience asks for more."

What is The Tower series 3 about on ITV?

Episode one begins two years after the events of series two and follows DS Sarah Collins as she investigates the stabbing of a teenage boy. This case will reunite her with Lizzie Adama, who has moved up the ranks from PC to detective and trying to balance her work life with being a mother.

Meanwhile, DI Kieran Shaw is heading up an undercover police task force, which is attempting to bring down Shakiel Oliver, one of South London's biggest drug kingpins, with DC Steve Bradshaw who goes undercover to infiltrate Shakiel's empire.

Here's the official synopsis: "The focus of Sarah and Kieran's conflict is 15-year-old Ryan Kennedy who witnessed the fatal stabbing but is also a key part of Shakiel's inner circle - as task force Perseus heads to its shocking climax, Ryan will have a surprising role to play."

When asked if the book was difficult to adapt for the screen, due to its complexity and focus on knife and gang crime, writer Patrick Harbinson said: “In a funny way, no, when I read the third book (by Kate London), I remember thinking, 'If we ever get to this point in The Tower, this one will be a delight to adapt because the movement of it is so intensely dramatic and the way it brings personal stories together along with the crime - the big world of  knife crime – the people behind knife crime as well as the 'foot soldiers of knife crime' – I knew I’d have fun adapting it.”

Steve Bradshaw and Kieran Shaw (Jimmy Akingbola and Emmett J Scanlan)

The Tower season 3: What's next for the characters?

DS Sarah Collins

Rule-abiding DS Sarah Collins is played by Game of Thrones actress Gemma Whelan.

You may also recognise Gemma as Marian Lister, Suranne Jones' sister in Gentleman Jack, or as DCI. Kerry Henderson in ITV drama DI Ray.

Speaking of how her character Sarah Collins reacts to the case, Gemma Whelan said, "She’s very affected by this; it’s a young man of a similar age to her sister who passed away (of different circumstances). She sees the vulnerability and the lack of solutions she can offer. She’s really helpless, I think that what really drives her mad is that she’s trying so hard but she just hits brick wall after brick wall of silence or denial or tension or violence or risk.

Of course, as we know, her moral compass is very north/south - although it’s quite possibly shaken this season - and she’s unwavering in her policing by the book. Still, I think that is pulled into question this season, and it hits her personally, this kid, and how normally she can make a difference because she follows the policing book, and things usually work out if you follow the rules. This time, it’s so messy, and not everyone is going to play.

"She’s shown a mirror this season, but for the first time, Sarah can’t fix it."

DI Sarah Collins (Gemma Whelan) ©ITV

DC Lizzie Adama

Fresh cop-turned-detective Lizzie Adama is back for the third instalment. She's played by Tahirah Sharif who was BAFTA-nominated for the role in the first series. Fans may know her from Netflix horror series' The Haunting of Hill House and The Haunting of Bly Manor.

Here's what's next for Lizzie, according to Tahirah: “She’s a mother now to a very young son, she’s been made a detective, so she's trying to cross both worlds – I don’t know how successfully… I guess you’ll find out.

"I think like anyone dealing with motherhood for the first time, but also while still trying to forge ahead in your career that you worked so hard on - it's really difficult and think Lizzie finds herself quite stuck actually, trying to deal both with the guilt that comes with working long hours and not spending that time with her child but also, not wanting to show any vulnerability at work to her peers and not wanting to show any lack of control."

DC Lizzie Adama (Tahirah Sharif) ©ITV

DC Steve Bradshaw

DC Steve Bradshaw is Sarah Collins' former work partner and is played by actor Jimmy Akingbola. He's best known for Kate & Koji and Bel-Air.

"I remember when I first signed on to do the job and Kate London (the author) recommended that I read the third book first and I did and I thought, 'Ah, it would be great it we could get to this moment in the story' and so, what was great was that we all had to play characters but Steve really had to embed himself in the world - he's been undercover for two years or more and he's done this in the past.", Jimmy says.

"I always talk for Steve's love of the job and that it's almost his main wife, which has had an impact on his personal life, so to recreate a character that has a lot at stake... He has a great relationship with Lamar's character Ryan and I just loved dropping the soup and honing the character that had such a pivotal role in the main story and seeing his relationship with Kieran as well.

"I'm really excited about the show coming out and I can't wait for people to see it."

DC Steve Bradshaw (Jimmy Akingbola) ©ITV

DI Kieran Shaw

Hollyoaks baddie Emmett J. Scanlan plays DI Kieran Shaw, who isn't exactly a law-abiding cop... The Irish actor has been in a lot of dramas recently, including Peaky Blinders, Kin, The Fall and Harlan Coben's Safe and Fool Me Once.

“This (Gallow's Tree Lane) was always my favourite book of the series, and I think what Patrick did in adapting it was wonderful", says Emmett at the Tower 3, TV series Q&A.

"You’re gonna see more of Kieran, maybe come to understand him more and even maybe respect him to a certain degree. You'll see see how obsessed he is with taking down the kingpin himself despite the collateral damage along the way – there is always damage where Kieran is involved.”

DI Kieran Shaw (Emmett J. Scanlan) ©ITV

Ryan Kennedy

Teenager Ryan witnesses his best friend Spencer being stabbed in the street. As the series progresses, so does Ryan's storyline.

“Joining an already established cast comes with its pressures, but I tried to focus on bringing as much as I could to the table, and hopefully, I did up to scratch. In terms of Ryan's emotions, they’re quite intense, and it’s definitely an intense journey!", says new cast member, Lamar Waves.

Ryan Kennedy (Lamar Waves) ©ITV

The Tower book

Gallowstree Lane Volume 3 The Tower 3Amazon

Rrp: $15.95

Price: $11.81

The Tower series 3 trailer

When is The Tower series 3 release date?

The Tower 3: Gallowstree Lane is being released across four consecutive days, starting on Monday 2nd September at 9 pm on ITV1 and concluding with the finale on Thursday 5th September, making it an unmissable TV event.

It's a big week for ITV drama as Grace series 4 is also premiering, on the 1st September.

To sum up the season 3 of The Tower, writer Patrick explains, "Gallowstree Lane has a high-stakes drugs and gangs storyline with Jimmy and Emmett’s characters taking major roles. Sarah and Lizzie have gripping and heart-breaking stories too, as the drama of Portland Tower comes full circle. I firmly believe series three will be our best yet."

If that's not enough to intrigue you, he concludes with: "I firmly believe series three will be our best yet."

You can catch up on the previous two series of The Tower on ITVX now.

Arabella Horspool is a Commercial Content Writer for Yours at Bauer Media. She's a bookworm who is passionate about TV, film and theatre. She enjoys cooking, scrapbooking, playing board games and spending time with her pet dogs, tortoise and chickens.

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