The best David Attenborough books to learn more about nature

We've rounded up the best books by Sir David Attenborough to get stuck into.


by Lorna White |
Updated on

Throughout his career, he's inspired generations to take action against climate change. Of course, he's well known for his brilliant documentaries on wildlife. But, did you know that Sir David Attenborough has also written a number of books? If you're interested in getting stuck in, we've rounded up some of the best David Attenborough books for you to start reading. These include books for children and books that follow his documentaries.

Adventures of a Young Naturalist

Rrp: $16.99

Price: $12.42

Back in 1954, a young David Attenborough took the trip of a lifetime to travel the world. Here, he found rare and elusive species for London Zoo's collection. This book documents those voyages, which mark the very beginning of his amazing career.

Editor's Favourite
David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet
Price: $16.37

This book is a reflection of Attenborough's life's work. Attenborough discusses the dramatic changes to the planet that he has witnessed. Plus, he details what we can do to make a brighter, better future for ourselves - and our planet.

Ideal Gift
Price: $125.00

Dynasties is one of Attenborough's most well-remembered shows. The book takes you deeper into the lives of five of the world's most celebrated and endangered animals than ever before: Emperor Penguin, Chimpanzee, Lion, Painted Wolf and Tiger. This gift set includes both the book and DVD set. It would make such a beautiful gift, too.

For Memoir Fans
Life On Air: Memoirs of a Broadcaster
Price: $42.30

With a career spanning almost five decades as a naturalist and broadcaster, there are very few places on the globe that David has not visited. In this memoir, David Attenborough shares the stories of the people, animals and places.

Futher Worlwide Travels
Journeys to the Other Side of the World
Price: $12.99

David shares the stories of this exciting trip he and his cameraman companion embarked on to record the wildlife. From Madagascar to the Pacific Islands and the Northern Territory of Australia, he documents the lives of indigenous people of these regions. Even those never before seen by British people.

Children's Book
Little People, Big Dreams: David Attenborough
Price: $13.99

Need of a book for younger readers? In this book, children can discover more about the life of David Attenborough, the inspiring broadcaster and conservationist, from his childhood to how he first got interested in zoology.

Enjoy on Audio
David Attenborough New Life Stories

Rrp: $32.95

Price: $20.74

David answers all of those gripping questions that fuel his enthusiasm for nature and all the wonderful creatures that he is so passionate about. He reflects on all of his favourite species and how he first encountered them.

Activity Book
A Celebration of David Attenborough: The Activity Book

Rrp: $14.99

Price: $10.89

This activity book is ideal for primary schoolchildren with a range of different activities to have fun with. These include mapping out the countries David has visited and some of his favourite quotes.

Stunning Photography
Our Planet

Rrp: $34.50

Price: $30.50

This book really highlights the true beauty of our world. It reveals the most amazing sights on Earth in stunning photographs. Plus, it includes stories of the ways humans are affecting the world's ecosystems.

Our Planet: The official childrenu2019s companion
Price: $28.19

Another children's activity book that follows the brilliant Our Planet series. It's packed full of information about the natural world and all of its species, a fun world map plus life under the sea.

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