The classic chocolate bar Brits want back!

A new poll has revealed the chocolate bars we all want to make a comeback.

chocolate bars stacked

by Emily Gilbert |
Published on

To celebrate World Chocolate Day on July 7th, surveyed 2,473 people and gave them a list of 10 of the best-loved old chocolate bars and asked whether they want to bring them back or not.

Chocolate is a treat favoured by many of us and when a much-loved favourite unexpectedly disappears from the shelves, it can leave you wishing you’d stocked up while you had the chance.

Surprisingly, the resuls found that the chocolate treat we want back the most isn’t actually a bar, but an egg with 87% of Brits wanting the original Crème Egg recipe back. The recipe was changed in 2015, and petitions regularly appear to reverse Cadbury’s decision.

chocolate bars people want back

Next up, 73% of Brits want to see the Galaxy Truffle returned to the Christmas must-have tub of Celebrations. In 2011, Mars switched the truffles for Twix to much uproar. You can now buy a whole box of Galaxy Truffles although the verdict is out whether they are the same as previously found in a tub of Celebrations.

In third place is the Mars Delight, which was discontinued in 2008. This bar has been described online as “the taste of childhood” and is remembered fondly, with 68% of Brits calling for its immediate return.

The least popular treat was revealed to be the Texan Bar which was manufactured in the 1970s and 80s and brought back for a one-off release in 2005.

Do you agree with the poll? What chocolate treat would you like bringing back? Let us know on Yours magazine Facebook and Yours Instagram.

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